Friday, 19 June 2009

Week 1 Task 2 Google Scholar

Sorry to be doing tasks out of sequence; believe me for a logical thinker like me to do this is well outside my comfort zone, but needs must!

I am going to review Google Scholar, although it isn't in the top ten list, because
(a)I want to draw it to people's attention and
(b) I've already done the work which I published as a Library Guide at

Google Scholar is Google's academic search engine, aimed at finding published material like journal articles, books, technical reports etc of relevance to students and researchers in higher education. As a librarian I recognise its value for our students, but want them to be aware of its strengths and weaknesses - hence the Library Guide mentioned above.

I would also like to make a plea for people to make more use of Google's Advanced Search, which allows you to not only makes the use of the Boolean 'and' and 'or' more obvious, but also allows you to refine your search to different domains like .ac, or looking for different formats such as .pdf. This results in fewer, more relevant results.

Any comments on my Library Guide would be most welcome as I'm always looking to improve it.

Bill - how can I get this to a wider audience than just on my and Lisa's blog?


  1. Sorry the link doesn't seem to be live, I'm not sure why this is but it may be due to its length.

  2. Getting this to a wider audience? Go to other people's blogs and to distribution lists and let them know about it. I've blogged it on OLiA for a start:
