Wednesday 10 June 2009

Activity 2 - Delicious

I had a look at the delicious bookmarking tool:

I have used this service for some time as I found that the my favourites on my computer were getting out of control. Delicious helps me to keep the details of any important websites to me in a clear and usable fashion. I have downloaded the toolbar onto my browser so that I can easily access and add new websites to my account at any time. I have found it best to give the websites keywords so that I can quickly find them again in the future. Anything that I come across that I think is useful for the ILWG group, I tag with the keyword ILWG so that I and other members of the group can easily locate these items in the future.

When I'm adding a website, I sometimes find it useful to see who else has been adding that website to their accounts and to see if they have links to any other useful items. This can help me to expand my knowledge in that area. I could use the service more by following these people, so that I got more information about what they are tagging. It can also be useful to do a keyword search in delicious rather than google, as you can get very good hits arriving at the top of the screen.

I could create delicious tags or URLS for groups of students to make it easier for them to find good quality websites on their topic.

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